Sunday, January 3, 2016

The New Year's Post

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I love New Year's Eve. It seriously is such a fun holiday for me. I like the idea of a fresh start in the cold of winter.

I especially love the first Monday of the New Year. It holds so much promise. I try not to get caught up in the practice of doing resolutions, but I'm excited to share that I have been able to keep the same resolution for two year's in row. And I'm doing it again.

I read the entire Bible.

I feel like I've behaving like your typical American believer. You know the sort. I knew just "enough" scripture. I spoke church-lingo fluently, but there was truly a lack of power behind my voice.

I don't know why, but a few days after 2013 started I told myself I would read a little bit of the Bible everyday. Until I got to the end. And I did. So I did it again in 2014. And again in 2015.

Now at 2016 the goal is the same, read the word, but this time I want to start memorizing scripture. It's important to know the word inside and out because that is our weapon. It is what brings us back to G-d when the knowledge of the world starts to steer us off course.

There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12

I think this has been so true for me in my personal life. I won't lie, I've spent an inordinate amount of time chasing money. Climbing the corporate latter, because I had enough G-d to get me through my day, because I thought I could always serve his kingdom later.

Then my personal life exploded.

Then my health failed.

Then I lost my job.

When I was younger G-d was included in all aspects of my life, but as I got older I put Him a box that became smaller and smaller. I was determined to climb that corporate ladder and G-d was "in the way".

I was determined to not let anything get in the way of success until G-d had enough of me and started to break me down. If I had been in my word I would seen what was going on, and I would have seen I was off track. But my determination and idolization of money/power kept me blind. I truly believe the L-rd G-d handed me over to Satan to wake me up.

The L-rd corrects those he loves.

And I'm so glad He loves. And I'm glad I can see that serving G-d, seeking His kingdom should be now, RIGHT NOW!

I am excited for 2016. I am excited to see what G-d is going to break, build, restore, and purge in the fire. Walking out the way is a hard journey, but I can only find fulfillment in obedience to Yah.

As always I'm here to listen if you need me.

    ~The Good Counselor

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