Sunday, January 3, 2016

The New Year's Post

Image result for happy new years

I love New Year's Eve. It seriously is such a fun holiday for me. I like the idea of a fresh start in the cold of winter.

I especially love the first Monday of the New Year. It holds so much promise. I try not to get caught up in the practice of doing resolutions, but I'm excited to share that I have been able to keep the same resolution for two year's in row. And I'm doing it again.

I read the entire Bible.

I feel like I've behaving like your typical American believer. You know the sort. I knew just "enough" scripture. I spoke church-lingo fluently, but there was truly a lack of power behind my voice.

I don't know why, but a few days after 2013 started I told myself I would read a little bit of the Bible everyday. Until I got to the end. And I did. So I did it again in 2014. And again in 2015.

Now at 2016 the goal is the same, read the word, but this time I want to start memorizing scripture. It's important to know the word inside and out because that is our weapon. It is what brings us back to G-d when the knowledge of the world starts to steer us off course.

There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12

I think this has been so true for me in my personal life. I won't lie, I've spent an inordinate amount of time chasing money. Climbing the corporate latter, because I had enough G-d to get me through my day, because I thought I could always serve his kingdom later.

Then my personal life exploded.

Then my health failed.

Then I lost my job.

When I was younger G-d was included in all aspects of my life, but as I got older I put Him a box that became smaller and smaller. I was determined to climb that corporate ladder and G-d was "in the way".

I was determined to not let anything get in the way of success until G-d had enough of me and started to break me down. If I had been in my word I would seen what was going on, and I would have seen I was off track. But my determination and idolization of money/power kept me blind. I truly believe the L-rd G-d handed me over to Satan to wake me up.

The L-rd corrects those he loves.

And I'm so glad He loves. And I'm glad I can see that serving G-d, seeking His kingdom should be now, RIGHT NOW!

I am excited for 2016. I am excited to see what G-d is going to break, build, restore, and purge in the fire. Walking out the way is a hard journey, but I can only find fulfillment in obedience to Yah.

As always I'm here to listen if you need me.

    ~The Good Counselor

The Cost of Service

Malachi 3:14

Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts?

The hardest part of being a believer is realizing as you go along the journey your eyes are more open to your sin. You begin to view yourself in a G-dly lens and realize just how disgusting you are.

Praise be to Yah for the blood His precious Son shed on our behalf!

It is a free gift.

But it comes with a catch, the "cost" of this free gift is submission. We must daily align ourselves with the word of G-d and act accordingly. 

We must strive against sin and battle daily. 

This is where the devil gets crafty. We can easily get wary if we try to battle with our own will. However, if we battle infused with the Holy Spirit we can truly conquer mountains. 

Accepting Christ never meant an easy life. In fact, Christ himself warns again and again we will face tribulations if we decided to follow him. Yet time and time again we break down at the hint of crisis. 

Why is that at the beginning of a crises we run to another person when G-d has clearly said to seek Him first in all things?

This is why when I counsel I start with prayer. What if G-d has an immediate answer waiting for you if you simply seek Him first?

What if He desires you to be a witness to His faithfulness?

This is probably not good for my "business", but I seek to always give the truth. The cost of service is that I am poor to self and rich in Christ.

As I closed out the year I read the book of Malachi. I was struck by the above scripture. Surely no believer would say that serving G-d is worthless, but don't we do that by our very actions?

Greedy business practices, gossiping against a brother or sister, lying, causing dissensions, are these not little micro-aggressions against G-d that show him we don't value serving Him.

Do we not insult His very name, by claiming to be His, then attacking a fellow believer for some slight? I pray that this year we take steps to be wise in following Him. I pray that you consider carefully the cost of service.

As always I'm here to listen if you need me.

    ~The Good Counselor